Artwork, BEAUTY, CULTURES, family, Grandchildren, HAWAII, HEALTH, holidays, home, PARENTING, photography, RELIGION

Hope Springs Forth

My pansies were brave enough to bloom despite the pandemic encompassing the globe. So were my daffodils. Even my lilac bush is budding. April is here. People have created new ways to communicate and celebrate one another. Humanity finds a way.

Some friends and family have been taken from us and they are forever in our hearts and minds. And, there are heros. Many of them. They sacrifice their lives to help others. We look to our leaders to give us hope and direction. And, more people are praying now!

I cried today, not unlike other days, but as I set out the Easter decorations, I thought of my grandchildren. I wished they were here to enjoy them. At least I can send them pictures.

Parents have a new appreciation for teachers. Financial stress weighs on many. Calamity can either make or break relationships. Coronavirus memes are rampant. Idiots lick toilets and wish the old people would die. Our true selves are exposed.

I love Tom Hanks! Glad you are feeling better!

Media is taking advantage of the crisis. It blares all day long with monkeys coming out for a bit of notoriety. Fools still go out shopping when they don’t really need to. I have learned not to watch the news all day long.

I saw all of my grandkids this week, even though we were not in the same room. What a blessing that is! I sent out a questionnaire to them and learned a few new things about them.

Easter is coming up soon! I have been preparing for the upcoming conference with our prophet! You can watch it too. Check out

Ican only imagine how Christ felt knowing his people did not realize or appreciate what he was about to do for them. Do we?

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