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August Already

The Swimming Gang

We were able to spend quality time with some of our grandchildren lately. Robbie was here from Arizona and ended up being traded between Jacob and Joel’s family. It is fun to see how much the kids enjoy each other. We finally got our chance to be with him and took the kids swimming in the Daybreak swimming pool. We had a fine time and even Grandpa and I got in with the rest of the kids. I think it had been more than two years since I had been swimming.

I love how the cousins and siblings help Lily have a good time and they tease each other incessantly. Robbie is hoping to be adopted by someone here in Utah, but he left to go back to Arizona. We will miss him. All the kids have been very busy growing up.


In the last post, I mentioned some lessons that grandparents can teach their grandkids that will supplement what their parents are teaching them. Here are a few more:


Grandparents understand the consequences of being lazy. They can motivate grandchildren to be self-reliant and responsible. Learn the job and then do their best. Teach them that actions will speak louder than their words. Go the second mile and make sacrifices to do a good job. In order to take good care of a spouse and children, grandchildren must learn that work is a blessing. They can learn this in their youth by having daily chores and responsibilities.


When children complain about a subject in school they do not enjoy, grandparents can help them see that they are learning how to learn. The subject matter is not as important as developing the skills to keep their mind actively growing. No knowledge is ever wasted since they learn how to reason. By reading they build creativity and expose themselves to new things. They learn how to be independent by picking up all they can. By working their brain muscles every day, they will be better prepared to learn a new skill, adjust to changes and master new languages.


Our world is ever evolving but good values are always cherished. Teach grandchildren to have integrity.  Keep promises or don’t make them. Cherish virtue and keep standards high. If they play sports, advise them about good sportsmanship. When they are alone,

Joseph, Robert, and Zion

think good thoughts and read uplifting material. Instill in them reverence for sacred things. Whatever the success a child has achieved, they should always be humble and willing to share what they know with others.


Through example and experiences, grandparents can teach grandchildren how to get along socially. This includes being gracious and considerate of others. They can imbue benefits of using proper words, including please and thank you. Since the child has inherited the family name, they are expected to conduct themselves properly. It is best to look people in the eyes when communicating. Keep the Golden Rule, which means treating others as you want to be treated. Improve their vocabulary so they will be respected. It is better to use good words than cursing or telling off-colored jokes no matter the situation. 


Parents are often too busy making a living or trying to keep up with a busy family schedule. Grandparents are usually retired and have time to go for a walk with grandchildren, go on a picnic, and spend time outside enjoying the out-of-doors. The time they spend in nature will help them physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

Persons fortunate enough to live long often get the opportunity to know their grandchildren. Blessed is the child who can gather a lifetime of wisdom from their loved ones to help them navigate through the maze. Grandparents can be their mentors. They have time to inspire them. They can live life fully and make the best of every moment together.

I remember spending time up in Fairview Canyon with my paternal grandparents. They had a small trailer that we could rest in and hiked in the beautiful wilderness. It was so beautiful and my memories are very positive. I remember their garden, sheep, chickens, baked goods, and good examples. I hope that our grandchildren will remember some of the things we have done with them in a positive way.

My paternal grandparents and great grandmother in the front

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